Pestisitle Kirlenmiş Ortamların Biyoremediasyonu

Özet Görüntüleme: 66 / PDF İndirme: 854


  • Ülküye Dudu Gül
  • Şule Aybüke Yavuz

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Bioremediation, environmental pollution, pesticide


Although pesticides are used as fertilizer in modern agriculture practices, high amounts of pesticides accumulate in soil and water, resulting in
inappropriate pesticide use. Approaches to the removal of these pesticides from the receiving environment with bioremediation technologies
have gained importance in recent times, which are problems both in terms of environment and health. In this study, data on the use of
pesticides in both the world and our country have been collected in the literature and bioremediation studies carried out in recent years for the
remediation of problems caused by used pesticides have been examined. When the studies in the literature are examined; it has been found that
bioremediation technologies can be used successfully in the amelioration of pesticide contaminated environments.




Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Gül, Ülküye D., & Yavuz, Şule A. (2019). Pestisitle Kirlenmiş Ortamların Biyoremediasyonu. Türk Bilimsel Derleme Dergisi, 11(1), 07–17. Geliş tarihi gönderen




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