Yabancı Otlarda Herbisitlere Dayanıklılık ve Yönetimi

Özet Görüntüleme: 78 / PDF İndirme: 695


  • Çağlar MENGÜÇ
  • İ. Özer ELİBÜYÜK

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Resistance, Herbicide, Weeds, Management.


Weeds are one of the most important factors caused yield losses in crops. Therefore, an effective method must be applied against weeds
to control them. Chemical control (Herbicides) is one of the most effective methods and commonly used in both worldwide and our country
to control weeds. Using the same herbicides constantly and in an uncontrolled way causes resistance against herbicides. If there is a herbicide
resistance in fields and orchards, herbicides won’t be effective and kill the weeds. This problem will make the weeds not to manage
succesfully. Resistance won’t be a problem, when strategies of weeds resistance management will be applied.




Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

MENGÜÇ, Çağlar, & ELİBÜYÜK, İ. Özer. (2019). Yabancı Otlarda Herbisitlere Dayanıklılık ve Yönetimi. Türk Bilimsel Derleme Dergisi, 7(2), 19–22. Geliş tarihi gönderen https://derleme.gen.tr/index.php/derleme/article/view/238




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