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Plastics are an indispensable part of human life. Increasing plastic production and use results in an increasing amount of plastic waste accumulating in the environment and potentially breaking down into smaller pieces (micro and nano). Pieces smaller than 5 mm are generally defined as microplastics, while pieces smaller than 0.1 mm are defined as nanoplastics. These micro and nano plastics are pollutants that cause increasing ecotoxicological concerns in both aquatic and terrestrial environments and for human health. Large amounts of micro- and nanoplastics enter the soil through numerous routes, including plastic mulching, landfill disposal, and recycling of wastewater sludge. A small number of studies in recent years have demonstrated the formation of micro and nanoplastics in the terrestrial (soil) environment and their potential dangers. However, less is known about the size and type of micro- and nanoplastics in the terrestrial environment and, in particular, how much micro- and nanoplastics accumulate in soil, their possible sources, potential ecological and toxicological effects, and their interaction with the soil environment. This review provides an overview of the sources, formation and distribution, and ecotoxicological effects of micro and nanoplastic pollution in the soil environment, as a result of limited literature evaluation.
Keywords: microplastic, nanoplastic, terrestrial environment, soil, ecotoxicity
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