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  • Rüştü ILGAR Prof.Dr


In this study, the development of maritime in Turks, the importance of Çanakkale ports and the lives of the great Turkish sailors from Çanakkale are examined. Çanakkale, which was called "Seafarers Bed" and gave many valuable maritime scientists and admirals to the Turkish maritime history. Maritime activities in Çanakkale have been preserved for trade purposes from ancient times to the present day, and efforts have been made to increase their numbers. The main ports in Çanakkale are Behramkale (Assos), Babakale, Gelibolu, Kilitbahir, Lâpseki, Ecebat (Maydos) and Çanakkale central port. The Turks initially gave due importance to these ports. Later, they made great efforts to develop trade through ports. In the 14th and 15th centuries, the province of Çanakkale had a bright settlement period together with Troy in ancient times, but after the establishment of Byzantium, it lost its former importance in the highway connection between Eastern and Western countries. It started when the coastal areas of Çanakkale turned towards the sea and Süleyman Pasha moved to Rumelia in 1354. In the development process of maritime, the country started to be settled on three sides by sea. He and his team are in Gallipoli, where the need for Turkish maritime began. This was the Ottoman Empire's first gateway to the Balkans and its first naval base. Shipyard construction started here in 1390 during the reign of Yıldırım Bayezid. Until the establishment of the Golden Horn Shipyard, the most important Ottoman shipyard was located in Gallipoli and the first seeds of the Ottoman maritime organization were laid here. The Ottoman Empire gave special importance to the port activities of Çanakkale, which was a trade gateway to the west. Turkish sailors from the province of Çanakkale entered the Ottoman navy and achieved great success. Especially Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha and Piri Reis left their mark on the world and were of great importance in making the Ottoman Empire the world master in maritime. Today, Çanakkale ports are commercially important with main Çanakkale Port-Kepez, İÇTAŞ, Akçansa Çanakkale Port.


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How to Cite

ILGAR, R. (2024). THE ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF ÇANAKKALE in TURKISH MARITIME HISTORY. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 17(1), 47–59. Retrieved from


