Organik Katı Atıkların Aerobik Şartlarda Biyoteknolojik Yöntemlerle Kompostlaştırılması
Özet Görüntüleme: 27 / PDF İndirme: 9Anahtar Kelimeler:
Solid waste- compost- microorganismÖzet
In recent years, the amount of consumption has increased with the increasing of production worldwide. As a result, the problem of waste disposal has arisen. Wastes such as plastic, glass, metal and cardboard can be recycled by industrial activities. Composting organic wastes by biotechnological methods has started to be widespread throughout our country. Composting is the name given to the process by which microorganisms separate the organic matter in the wastes. Compost is the name given to the product mineralized by microorganisms. A good compost requires that the high biodegradability, high amount of organic matter and being free from harmful substances. The literature on the composting of organic wastes using biotechnological methods has been examined in this study. According to the literature there is no definite standard for the qualification of compost products. On the other hand, factors affecting compost production are determined as grain structure, carbon nitrogen content, pH, temperature, ventilation and water content. The benefits of composting are listed as increasing the volume of the floor space and facilitating ventilation, increasing the water holding capacity of the ground, making better use of the nutrients, giving plenty of bacteria to the soil, increasing the nutrients on the ground, contributing to humus production and preventing erosion.
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