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Tick, Parasite, Protozoan, Rickettsia, CattleAbstract
Ticks, as obligatory blood-feeding ectoparasites, serve as biological and mechanical vectors for a wide range of viral, bacterial, parasitic and rickettsial pathogens, posing a significant threat to both veterinary medicine and public health. After mosquitoes, ticks are the second-largest group of vectors globally, transmitting pathogenic microorganisms to vertebrates and facilitating their spread. During feeding, ticks can cause paralysis, anemia, toxicosis, and skin damage in their hosts, creating favorable conditions for the development of myiasis agents and leading to substantial productivity losses. The most common protozoal diseases transmitted by ticks to cattle include babesiosis and theileriosis, while rickettsial diseases include rickettsiosis, ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis. The aim of this review is to provide updated information on protozoal and rickettsial diseases transmitted by ticks to cattle, raising awareness of the necessary measures to control the spread of these pathogens and mitigate their impact.
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