Feijoanın (Feijoa sellowiana Berg.) Biyokimyasal Özellikleri, Tıbbi ve Farmakolojik Kullanım Alanları

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  • Ömer BEYHAN
  • Taki DEMIR
  • Peral Atilla EYDURAN


Feijoa, Acca, Biochemical content, Medicinal use


Feijoa (Feijoa sellowiana Berg.) plant has an important position among fruits for the purposes of nutrition by both its mineral contents in vegetative parts, and fruit and seeds, and of human health by its biochemical contents. The fruit has a dietary feature owing to its low sugar and low
calorie level while having a high value as a fresh table fruit owing to its physical appeal, and pleasant and mildly sour flavor. The fruit is a rich
source of vitamin C, potassium, calcium, iodine, which increases the nutrition value; moreover, fortifying the immune system and cures some
diseases through its antioxidants, phenolics, aromatic lipids. Therefore, in its natural habitat, the native populations have been using the plant
as a not only traditional but also medicinal pharmacological remedy for various ailments. In recent years, the plant has been being mostly used
in modern medicine to cure diabetics, and trioide, blood vessel, kidney, stomach, intestine, liver and respiratory ailments; in drugs as drog for
the aim of antidiabetic, antibiotic, antimicotic, antitumor and anticancer. Leaf, fruit and sprout of the plant are used an herbal tea after dried;
commonly used in cosmetics as well. The fruit due to its unique taste, odor and aromatic substances is also used extensively in food industry.




How to Cite

BEYHAN, Ömer, DEMIR, T., & EYDURAN, P. A. (2019). Feijoanın (Feijoa sellowiana Berg.) Biyokimyasal Özellikleri, Tıbbi ve Farmakolojik Kullanım Alanları. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 9(2), 34–38. Retrieved from https://derleme.gen.tr/index.php/derleme/article/view/296


