Türkiye’de İlahiyat Fakülteleri Dinî Kurumlar mı, Laik Kurumlar mı?

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  • İsmail KARA


Divinity, Higher Institute of Islam, Republican Era, Education in Turkey, Religious Education, Secularism.


Nearly half century has passed over the establishment of the Faculty of Divinity of Ankara University and then the opening of Higher Institutes of Islam. This is not a long period for higher institutions of education to be established and developed with a distinctive content and a policy durable against time. As in many institutions and problems, the religious education and the faculties of Divinity in Republican should be dealt with profoundly by relatively avoiding the actual impositions, defensive sentiment and ideological debates. Besides, both promising and frightening developments make such a serious work necessary. In parallel to this, it is at least open to debate whether the faculties of divinity have succeeded in holding and observing the projects, interpretations and considerations seeking the capacity of carrying Turkey in their fields, the long termed and deeply




How to Cite

KARA, İsmail. (2019). Türkiye’de İlahiyat Fakülteleri Dinî Kurumlar mı, Laik Kurumlar mı?. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 2(1), 1–19. Retrieved from https://derleme.gen.tr/index.php/derleme/article/view/47


