Metabolik kafesler ve sosyal izolasyon stresi

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  • Zafer Şahin Karadeniz Technical University


Metabolic cage, , animal welfare, , social isolation,, stress


Metabolic cages are frequently used in metabolism or pharmacological experiments for measurement of total intake of food and water as well as excretion of urine and feces in small rodents. Therefore, the grid floor and single housing are a necessity for separated collection and measurement of these samples. However, there are several reports on the unfavorable effects of metabolic cage housing on animal welfare and physiological parameters mainly due to individual housing and grid flooring. In our previous experiments, we observed that long-term housing in metabolic cages caused social isolation stress in male and female rats. We concluded that housing of a rat or mouse in a metabolic cage causes a more effective and painful social isolation stress rather than single housing in a standard cage due to the effect of grid flooring. Therefore, in the present review, it is discussed that metabolic cages in their current form may be a useful option for social isolation stress paradigm in small rodents outside of metabolism studies.


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How to Cite

Şahin, Z. (2022). METABOLIC CAGES CAN BE USED FOR SOCIAL ISOLATION STRESS RATHER THAN METABOLISM STUDIES WITH THEIR CURRENT FORM: Metabolik kafesler ve sosyal izolasyon stresi. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 15(1), 115–120. Retrieved from


