Kaba Yemlerin Değerlendirilmesinde Göreceli Yem Değeri ve Göreceli Kaba Yem Kalite İndeksi
Abstract views: 118 / PDF downloads: 761Keywords:
Forage, quality, indexAbstract
Relative Feed Value (RFV) and Relative Forage Quality (RFQ) which is revision of RFV, used for forage
evaluation when forages is fed as the sole source of energy and protein. The calculated value of RFV=100 is an
indicator of a forage quality that can be equated to alfalfa at full bloom. The RFV index uses NDF and ADF as
a predictors of forage quality. RFQ index is similar to RFV except NDF digestibility is used. NDF digestibility
allows for a more precise estimate of the energy in the feed.
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