Toksik Maddelerin Genotoksik Analiz Yöntemleri

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  • Hazal SEZGİNER
  • Feruzan DANE


oxicity, Toxic substances, Genotoxicity, In vivo, In vitro, Tests


The widespread usage of chemicals causes environmental pollution. These chemicals, which cause mutations in the DNA molecule are muta-gens. Chemicals which cause mutation by interacting with DNA or genome’s replication enzymes lead DNA damage and mutations are defined as genotoxic effect. The changes occurred in the DNA molecule is examined in genetic toxicology studies and genetic damages caused by various agents are evaluated. Genetic toxicity includes damages; such as DNA adducts occurred in the structure of nucleus, chromosomes and DNA, DNA breaks, gene mutations, chromosomal abnormalities, clastogenic and aneuploidy. Defects in the key molecules involved in DNA damage lead tissue damage, aging, cancer, infertility and some genetic disease. Therefore genotoxicity studies are of great importance for life. Genotoxicity tests are being used since in 1970’s. Many methods have been developed to measure the mutagenic and carcinogenic potential of genotoxic agents until today. Although review studies were done with genotoxicity tests, actual study including all tests has not been encoun-tered. A detailed review study is needed to guide researchers who wanted to study on this subject. Therefore, in vivo and in vitro tests which were developed to determine damages in genetic material caused by various chemicals were given detailed in this study.




How to Cite

SEZGİNER, H., & DANE, F. (2021). Toksik Maddelerin Genotoksik Analiz Yöntemleri. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 9(1), 50–55. Retrieved from


