Türkiye’de İlahiyat Fakültelerinde Din Felsefesi

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  • Bayram DALKILIÇ


Philosophy of Religion, The Wisdom/phiolosophy of Religion/s, Mehmed Şawkati, M. Şekip Tunç, Darülfünun Theology Faculty, Mehmet S. Aydın


The Philosophy of Religion in Faculties of Theology in Turkey were researched in this article. Some researches (Mehmed Arif’s “Hikmet-i Edyan”, Memduh Suleyman’s “Felsefe-i Edyan”, Mehmed Şawkati’s “Din Felsefesinden” and “Felsefe-i Din”, Mehmed Amin’s “Kant’ın Din Felsefesi”, Ferid Kam’s “Dini Felsefi Sohbetler and M. Hamdi Yazır’s “Dibace”) were written in (1900-1925) the first quarter of twentieth century before Faculty of Theology in İstanbul Darulfunun.. In the period of Darulfunun Thelogy Faculty (1925-1933), Mustafa Şakib’s Felsefe-i Din and his translation from Emmanuel Leroux’s “Fransız Lisanıyle Konuşulan Memleketlerde 1914’den 1925’e Kadar Din Felsefesi” are important researches. Mehmed İzzet’s translation from Hoffding’s Philosophy of Religion didn’t end. After 1933 to 1976 the philosophy of religion wasn’t studied in Turkey. But M.Şakib maintained his publications in some reviews as “Din Yolu”. He wanted to publish his writings as “Din Felsefesi”. But he didn’t publish. After his death his wife published his writings as “Bir Din Felsefesine Doğru” in 1959. Theology Faculty in Ankara University accepted the philosophy of religion as a disciplin and lessons in it’s programs in 1974. Then this discipline was lecturered
in 1976 by Mehmet S. Aydın. He published his writings about this branch as “Din Felsefesi”. After 1982 the philosophy of religion was taken part in programs another Thelogy Faculties because of changing this faculties names and programes. The name of this institution is “Yüksek Islam Enstitüsü” before this age. The lecturers and staff members of this branch have worked and published very important writings about the varieties problems of philosophy of religion since 1990’s. The philosophy of religion has been studied at lisans and magister and doctorate programes in Theology Faculties and some philosophy departments in Turkey.




How to Cite

DALKILIÇ, B. (2019). Türkiye’de İlahiyat Fakültelerinde Din Felsefesi. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 2(1), 281–292. Retrieved from https://derleme.gen.tr/index.php/derleme/article/view/26


