Gazal Boynuzu Türlerinin Ülkemiz İçin Önemi

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  • Ferat UZUN
  • Mehmet SULAK
  • Serdal UĞUR


Birdsfoot trefoil, germplasm, rangeland.


Generally, rangelands of Turkey have the groundling and stony construction and many of them are
found in 5. and 7. class soil. Vegetation of the rangelands consists of the species which are insuffi cient in terms
of quality and yield as a result of untimely and heavy grazing. For that reason, the over seeding and artifi cial
rangeland establishment play an important role in rangeland improving studies. Selection of the best species
using the soil conditions at maximum level is the most important factor in those studies.Birdsfoot trefoil species 
are native to our country and have some positive peculiarities such as their adaptation ability, high tolerance
to all kinds of soil structure, non-bloating, resistance to heavy grazing and long-term presence in rangeland via 
reseeding itself. Hence, those species are one of the most important legume species in improvement of our mistreated 
rangelands.Besides, forage cultivation is not at desired level in our country. Due to the aforesaid characters,birdsfoot
trefoil species merit to be rather considered in evaluating some agricultural lands by forage cultivation. For this
purpose, it is possible to evaluate those species by sowing with grass species with the aim of forage or silage
production in artifi cial rangeland establishment.




How to Cite

UZUN, F., SULAK, M., & UĞUR, S. (2019). Gazal Boynuzu Türlerinin Ülkemiz İçin Önemi. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 1(2), 45–54. Retrieved from


